Alex Povolotsky
Nov 15, 2023

"The true reason why Russians hate and despise Bandera is not for his alleged collaboration with the Nazis" - not alleged, but long-time and with many proofs. However, your name suggest me that you can easily forgive Lvov, Jun 30 -Jul 2, 1941. After all OUN, both OUNs fought Russians, that justifies anything, as Zelensky shown.

"effectively become Tatar-Mongol invaders themselves, with an acquired taste for Eastern despotism and brutal subjugation of their subjects" - Europe, with Thirty Years War, is speaking of brutality? REALLY?

"turned away Catholic proselytizers." - you may know a bit about their proselytism. Spain and France 1320, for example.

"The Bolshevik Red Terror in the 1920–1930s was a classic Mongol occupation galore" - it's amazing. Missing White Terror is a... well, a very stinky example of propaganda.

I guess that's enough.

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